Journeys unfold....With every story told

My Journey...

I am a Canadian Storyteller. 

My storytelling passion developed during my years as a Pre-Kindergarten teacher. To remember the sequence of a story I relied on props and my flannelboard creations.

One day, I was asked to tell a story on a retreat with students, chaperones and colleagues. I didn't have one prepared or my trusty visuals to keep me on track. All I had were my words and voice, and a whole lot of blind faith that I could capture the imagination of my listeners... 

It was pure magic for all!! 

My repertoire  has allowed me to tell in schools, libraries, cafés, for seniors or multi-generational, on holidays and special occasions. 

I have been the featured storyteller in two Book Week Tours; I've  been known to spin a bit of yarn at Children's  Festivals. I have even told true tall tales at festivals for adults, and competed in Story Slams.  

When the world went online so did I as the host of the Montreal Storytellers Guild & Friends Virtual Swap twice a month welcoming storytellers from across the globe.

Your Journey...

Stories take our imagination to places and other times. A character or experience might resonate with you. 

As the story unfolds you will ride along with my words conjuring up your own images in real time. 

Each one hears what they want or need to hear, but I promise I will always bring you back safely to the present. 

Let my storytelling peak your curiosity, tickle your fancy bone, remind you of a time when you were young or simply take you or your students on an adventure to a time long ago